„Homilie to często klęska”. Konieczność poprawy jakości homilii
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Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Artykuł podejmuje najnowszą historię zabiegów Kościoła o poprawę jakości homilii. Materiałem źródłowym są teksty zawarte w dokumentach z różnych synodów w XXI wieku podejmujących kwestię homilii oraz dokumenty z różnych etapów synodu o synodalności, a także opublikowane owoce badań przeprowadzonych przez teologów w Polsce nad realnie wygłoszonymi homiliami. Przeprowadzone analizy pozwoliły stwierdzić, że uczestnicy Mszy Świętej bardzo sobie cenią słuchanie homilii i oczekują ich, nawet w dni powszednie. Krytyczna ocena jakości homilii dotyczy ubóstwa treści doktrynalnych, słabego osadzenia w celebrowanym misterium, braku spójności wskazań moralnych z proklamowanym orędziem. W krótkim podsumowaniu zaproponowana jest propozycja poprawy jakości homilii.
This article deals with the newest history of the Church’s efforts to improve the quality of homilies. The source material is the texts contained in documents from various synods in the 21st century dealing with the issue of homilies and documents from various stages of the synod on synodality, as well as the published results of research conducted by theologians in Poland on some given homilies. The conducted analyzes allows for the conclusion that the participants of the Holy Mass greatly appreciate listening to homilies and expect them, even on weekdays. A critical assessment of the quality of the homily concerns the poverty of doctrinal content, poor grounding in the celebrated mystery, and the lack of coherence of moral indications with the proclaimed message. In a short summary, some suggestions to improve the quality of homilies are proposed.
This article deals with the newest history of the Church’s efforts to improve the quality of homilies. The source material is the texts contained in documents from various synods in the 21st century dealing with the issue of homilies and documents from various stages of the synod on synodality, as well as the published results of research conducted by theologians in Poland on some given homilies. The conducted analyzes allows for the conclusion that the participants of the Holy Mass greatly appreciate listening to homilies and expect them, even on weekdays. A critical assessment of the quality of the homily concerns the poverty of doctrinal content, poor grounding in the celebrated mystery, and the lack of coherence of moral indications with the proclaimed message. In a short summary, some suggestions to improve the quality of homilies are proposed.
Słowa kluczowe
homilia, synodalność, przepowiadanie, Polska, Franciszek