Asystentura rodzinna w bezpośredniej pracy z rodziną dotkniętą problemem alkoholowym

dc.contributor.authorKumorek, Dorota
dc.contributor.authorPułczyńska-Kurek, Urszula
dc.description.abstractThe profession of a family assistant is a new profession aimed at improving the func-tioning of the family in the area of care and education. The subject of the research is the scope of work of family assistants in working with families with a problem of al-cohol dependence in one of the parents. Addiction to alcohol affects the entire family system, causing a number of problems, including caring and educational problems. The research question is: what activities does a family assistant take in working with a family affected by an alcohol problem? The aim of the research was to collect good practices of family assistants in working with families with the problem of addiction and co-dependence. The content of the article is intended to enable family assistants to benefit from the good practices described in it. The research methods used to conduct the analysis are: critical analysis of existing materials, in-depth interviews, partici-pant observation. The structure of the article consists of a theoretical and practical part, which is a description of the results of own research — the role of a family assis-tant in working with an addicted parent, a co-dependent parent and a
dc.publisherUniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Wydawnictwo Naukowe
dc.relation.ispartofPraca socjalna w perspektywie polityki społecznej, red. J. Mazur OSPPE, K. Wojtanowicz, B. Sordyl-Lipnicka, Kraków 2023, s. 167-186
dc.relation.ispartofseriesPraca Socjalna w Teorii i Działaniu; 6
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectfamily assistant
dc.subjectalcoholic family
dc.subjectalcohol addiction
dc.titleAsystentura rodzinna w bezpośredniej pracy z rodziną dotkniętą problemem alkoholowym