Biblioteka jednego patriarchy. Studium na podstawie Listów Tymoteusza I, patriarchy Bagdadu

dc.contributor.authorŻelazny, Jan
dc.description.abstractFor many contemporary Christians oriental churches are somewhat interesting, but not overly significant communities. We tend to forget that in the second half of the first millennium they were developing at the rate that could be compared with churches in the empire. This can be concluded based on the scale of the projects undertaken, but also, in academia, it is indicated by the position of their leaders and intellectuals congregating around the patriarchs of Baghdad. Sources at our disposal do not allow us to conduct a full analysis of the book collection of Pope Timothy I of Baghdad, one of the representatives of this oriental thought renaissance of sorts. However, his correspondence reveals some curious and significant information regarding the scientific facilities of the place of his studies, the interests of this Catholicos as well as the likely content of his book collection. It appears that his collection gathered at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries would be impressive even now. The wide span of the collected works, the effort and cost incurred, are evidence to the exceptional interest this remarkable patriarch took in knowledge, in broadest sense of this term. Even a few pieces of information allow us to change our perspective in thinking and assessing the development of the Assyrian Church of the East as well as its influence on the Church as a whole.en
dc.publisherUniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Wydawnictwo Naukowe
dc.relation.ispartofSzkice bizantyńsko-słowiańskie, red. Marcin Grala, Kraków 2023, s. 55-70
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 Internationalen
dc.subjectTimothy I of Baghdad
dc.subjectThe Great Convent (of Abraham)
dc.titleBiblioteka jednego patriarchy. Studium na podstawie Listów Tymoteusza I, patriarchy Bagdadu
dc.title.alternativeOne Patriarch's Library. Study based on the Letters of Timothy I, Patriarch of Baghdad