Status duchownego. Czy ksiądz jest pracownikiem biskupa?
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Tytuł tomu
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Autor dokonuje analizy przepisów prawa kanonicznego kształtujących stosunki między biskupem a podległymi mu duchownymi. Dochodzi do wniosku, że relacja ta w różnych aspektach nie spełnia przesłanek prawnych stosunku pracy w świetle prawa polskiego. Stosunek biskup–prezbiterzy wymyka się regulacjom znanym w prawie świeckim i należy do sfery autonomii Kościoła. W oparciu o przepisy prawa kanonicznego nie można również sformułować tezy, że biskup ma możliwość, prawo i obowiązek kompleksowego czuwania nad zachowaniem podległych mu duchownych, zwłaszcza w tym, co nie należy do ich ministerialnej posługi.
The author analyzes the provisions of canon law shaping the relationship between the bishop and his subordinate clergy. The author comes to the conclusion that this relationship in various aspects does not meet the legal regulations about an employment relationship under Polish law. The bishop–presbyter relationship is different then the regulations known in secular law and belongs to the sphere of autonomy of the Church. Based on the provisions of canon law, it is also impossible to formulate and defend the thesis that the bishop has the ability, right and duty to comprehensively, comprehensively supervise the behavior of the clergy under his authority, especially in what is not part of their ministerial ministry.
The author analyzes the provisions of canon law shaping the relationship between the bishop and his subordinate clergy. The author comes to the conclusion that this relationship in various aspects does not meet the legal regulations about an employment relationship under Polish law. The bishop–presbyter relationship is different then the regulations known in secular law and belongs to the sphere of autonomy of the Church. Based on the provisions of canon law, it is also impossible to formulate and defend the thesis that the bishop has the ability, right and duty to comprehensively, comprehensively supervise the behavior of the clergy under his authority, especially in what is not part of their ministerial ministry.
Słowa kluczowe
biskup, prezbiter, posłuszeństwo, stosunek pracy, podporządkowanie hierarchiczne