Rosyjskie ustawodawstwo wojskowe doby panowania cara Pawła I (1796–1801) – wprowadzenie do problematyki
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Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II
Russian Military Legislation during the Reign of Tsar Paul I (1796–1801) – Introduction to the Issue. This article examines the changes in Russian military legislation implemented during the reign of Tsar Paul I (1796–1801). Under the ruler’s decision in the years 1796–1797, the Russian infantry and cavalry adopted entirely new military regulations inspired by the rules in force in the Prussian army under King Frederick II (1740–1786). It quickly became apparent that the provisions of the introduced regulations had certain shortcomings, leading to the necessity of amendments and supplements through subsequent documents. Representatives of the tsarist general staff, particularly the then General Field Marshal Alexander Suvorov, author of the famous work “The Science of Victory” (1795), also developed their own military instructions.
Słowa kluczowe
Paweł I, Aleksander Suworow, Im-perium Rosyjskie, ustawodawstwo wojskowe, regulamin wojskowy, armia rosyjska w XVIII i na pocz. XIX w.