Krótki opis parafii diecezji latyczowskiej przyłączonych do archidiecezji mohylewskiej, sporządzony w 1799 r. Edycja źródła
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Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
Formally erected around 1405, the Latin Catholic diocese of Kiev existed until the end of the 18th century (for church authorities until 1798, although Catherine II abolished it on 27 September 1795). The history of the diocese was extremely turbulent. Constant Tartar invasions, the Chmielnicki uprising, the Polish-Russian wars and the 17th and 18th century Cossack rebellions not only did not favour the development of the diocese and led to a reduction in its area, but on several occasions led to the destruction of its administrative structure. Renewed after the Cossack and Russian wars, the diocese had 10–11 churches by the end of the 17th century. After the further ravages that affected its territory in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, there were at least 25 churches before 1748. Cossack rebellions halted its development for some time. Nevertheless, by the end of the 18th century, there were 53 churches on the territory of the diocese, of which at least 42 had the status of parish churches. Despite the medieval origins of the diocese and its apparent development in the 18th century, there are not many entries in the bibliography on it. The same is true of the historiography of the Braclaw region (Lithuanian Podolia), which belonged to the Luck and Brest dioceses in the pre-partition period. The unsatisfactory state of conducted research is related to the small known source base. Recent queries have revealed several new sources for the history of the Latin Church in the south-eastern periphery of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in the Ukrainian lands. One of them is a short description of 20 parishes functioning in this area at the end of the 18th century. The description was prepared for the needs of Mogilev consistory officials, after these parishes were annexed to the Mogilev archdiocese in 1798. It was compiled a year later, based on parish priests› accounts and dean’s visitation records. On the basis of this description and other newly discovered sources from that time, it is possible to find out essential information about the parishes described, the time of their foundation, their founders, benefices, churches, clergy, number of believers and the towns where parish schools and hospitals were functioning at that time.
Słowa kluczowe
archidiecezja mohylewska, diecezja latyczowska, diecezja kijowska, diecezja łucko-brzeska, oficjałat bracławski, gubernia kijowska, Kościół katolicki obrządku łacińskiego w Ukrainie, Kościół katolicki obrzędu łacińskiego w imperium rosyjskim