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The Basic Principles of Personalistic Pedagogy According to Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
(Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024) Stala, Józef; Parzyszek, Magdalena; Gruca-Miąsik, Urszula; Osewska, Elżbieta
The rapid changes in the socio-cultural context of life and education of the young generation in Europe prompt contemporary educators to look for pedagogical trends that may be an inspiration for comprehensive education that rises to current challenges. The authors, therefore, refer to the relational concept of a person by Joseph Ratzinger and derive from it, the fundamental principles of personalistic pedagogy. In the first part of the paper, the basic terms related to the person and their upbringing will be outlined. The second part focuses upon chief educational difficulties; in the subsequent sections, they present the conditions of authentic upbringing and the assumptions of the education process presented by Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI.
Defining Work Ethics in the Modern Labour Market: Ethical Competence Criteria Emerging from Technological Development and Moral-Theological Documents
(Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024) Raś, Dariusz; Jabłoński, Marek; Prusak, Anna; Zmuda, Piotr
Ethical competence is not an easily defined concept, especially with respect to the job requirements resulting from new technologies and digital transformation of the economy. The present paper attempts to define the competence profile of a worker in knowledge-based economy and workplaces using automation and digital technologies, but in relation to sources from encyclicals and other moral-theological documents. This profile includes specific ethical criteria, which are relevant and valid regardless of the times. Moreover, in the face of technological progress in modern economies, these criteria seem to have the power to influence the effectiveness of work processes. Thus, features such as respect for human dignity, responsibility, honesty, quality, courage, trustworthiness, justice, and secrecy should be considered as key for recruitment and evaluation of human capital in the modern labour market. As these are values mentioned in moral-theological documents, including papal encyclicals, they refer to the essence of human work and ensure that no man is reified.
Procedimento come principio inespresso. Proceeding as an Unexpressed Principle
(Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024) Michowicz, Przemysław
This paper discusses the possibility pertaining to the field of a new principle of law theorised, according to the communion ecclesiology issued by the Second Vatican Council. By considering the accurate proceeding disposition, the author accepts that a new principle constitutes necessary rules for the correct functioning of the canon law system and, as such, are inducted from the legal reasoning of those entitled to take legal decisions in the process of applying the law, especially the judiciary. Furthermore, it could constitute an integrative tool of the entire legal system. Such a new principle is understood to be of great value, because of the significant role assigned to principles in the theory of law in general. In every case, a new principle evokes by, and alludes to, values that govern the entire canon law science.
Efflorescence of Relationships in Christ – Theological Fundament and Resonating Prospect
(Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024) Godawa, Marcin
The aim of the paper is to examine the potency contained in the mystery of Christ as Alpha and Omega of human history. The issue will be viewed through the prism of accidental encounters, etc. that is, those which in our earthly life have no visible importance or continuation. It is striking that our life largely consists of such contacts: thousands of people passing by every day seem to be accidental, “non-productive” and not important. Broken relationships belong to the same set as well. Thus, the real question is whether they have any deeper meaning or not. I will try to argue, by reference to spiritual theology, that life in Christ brings a real answer to this question. The apparently accidental encounters become, subsequently, relationships flourishing in Christ, on the basis that He is the one spiritual principle of all believers and the Head of the Mystical Body of the Church. In Him, our particular present encounters are purified and come into perfection to the state when they will appear as true and everlasting relationships. A man who is overlooked now turns out to be a real co-author of my eternal happiness. Although this sense will fully be realised in heaven, it can now be experienced by hope and the contemplation of the neighbour in God.
The crisis of truth, and Its impact on human actions
(Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024) Kraj, Tomasz
Not only does Moral Theology tell us what we should do, but it also provides the reasons why we should do some things and avoid others. Over the centuries Christians paid attention to God’s creatures because they realised that He speaks to us through them and reveals His will as well (Rom 1). This issue also became the object of metaphysical inquiry. The concept of the truth of all things explained how man gets knowledge about God’s will through his creatures, which he subsequently should take into account in his moral conduct. The Enlightment proclaimed human freedom from religious beliefs and restrictions. Its philosophy, known as modern philosophy, tried to „conquer” metaphysics and the notion of the truth of all things. This paper presents these efforts and their consequences.