The Theological Development of the Idea of Hell in the Early Greek Church. From the Beginning to Origen (A Dogmatic Study)

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This thesis examines the development of the theological idea of hell in the early Greek Church from the beginning to Origen It is a dogmatic study examining the relationship of thoughts about hell beginning with the Old Testament and its translation into Greek continuing through the New Testament, with a look at the terminology used to express the idea in the early biblical literature. This is followed by an examination of the writings of various early authors from late first century through the mid third century ending with Origen. Not all writings from this time are examined, only those which either directly or indirectly, touched upon expressions of the idea of hell. A review of terminology and concepts and how the theological idea of hell was expressed by each author as well as an examination of the development of the idea over time is presented.
Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem prof. dra hab. Dariusza Kasprzaka. Recenzenci: Ks. prof. dr hab. Janusz Bujak, Ks. dr hab. Michał Kieling, prof. UAM, Ks. dr hab. Robert Samsel.
Słowa kluczowe
Sheol, Septuagint, Hell, Gehenna, Hades, Tartarus, Greek Fathers, Old and New Testaments, Ignatius of Antioch, Shepherd of Hermas, Polycarp, Irenaeus of Lyons, Justin Martyr, Athenagoras, Theophilus of Antioch, Letter to Diognetus, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, Origen